As Disciples of Christ Let us ... What?
By Don Bunting
At least twelve times in the Book of Hebrews, Christians are called to significant spiritual action. Twelve times we find the phrase "let us..." Let us look at the four "let us" statements in Hebrews chapter four.
1. "Let us fear lest any of you seem to have come short of it..." (v.1). The writer is talking about a promise of entering rest with God. The instructions indicate we might fall short of that rest. We must take that possibility seriously, fearing such a thing. Arrogant confidence in spiritual success is a dangerous thing.
2. "Let us be diligent to enter that rest..." (v.11). Persistent effort and proactive service is necessary to enter God's rest. It is not enough to avoid sin. We must actively serve God as one fully committed. What am I doing for the Lord?
3. "Let us hold fast our confession..." (v. 14). Hebrews 3:14 states, "...if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end..." We cannot quit. We must not be distracted and drawn away from our commitment. What I have done is not nearly so important as what I am doing now. Keep moving forward, ever upward toward God, regardless of what may come.
4. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in a time of need." (v.16) Faithfulness is difficult. There will be mistakes, sins, bad choices and discouraging moments. In Christ - who sympathizes with us because he knows what we are suffering through - there is help! We need to turn to God in our failures and hard times. Mercy, grace and help is readily available.
Let us do these things!